thank you for this wonderful piece, I loved it all but especially was struck by the idea of Persephone eating the pomegranate seeds as the integration of unconscious material, that is so beautiful.

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I was drawn to Persephone before I even knew her story. I had come upon this beautiful “guide” in a visualization and only after her name was told to me did I learn about her complicated mythology.

I immediately felt akin to her in the sense that although I’m a positive person who is seen as an extrovert, I also have a very real shadow side in which I like to hide and explore. I have often felt as though I live between worlds; in the Liminal.

We all want to pretend that our lives would be perfect if we spent it picking flowers with the fae--but that is not what is given to us. We have to accept the shadow and make the choice to step out into the sunshine despite that fact. Thank you for this lovely article!

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What a rich, illuminating article! Perfectly timed for the descent that winter always is — I'm grateful for the reminder that this oppressive darkness (politically, too) can be extremely fertile and incubating. As an author and screenwriter, archetypes constantly inform my work and Persephone is a key goddess archetype for me (along with Artemis). She runs through my crime novels in both the female victims of male oppression and the outsiderness of the female police, detectives and agents who make a deliberate descent into darkness to catch abusers and killers.

For the first time, I'm writing a novel with a Demeter main character, but there are, as the archetype demands, lots of Persephones she's determined to rescue.

Thanks again for so much to think about and the gorgeous Pre-Raphaelite illustrations!

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Persephone just found me! She’s conjunct my late mothers sun Leo. Exact opposite my mercury in Aqua 2nd house! This is profound for me as I work with investors (8th) and financing clean solar energy investments (2nd house). I brought home a cherub from my mothers meditation circle overlooking Mt. Lassen and she asked me to name

Her Persephone! And I needed her in my business world RIGHT now! I’m awaiting my Persephone candle and oil from Seth Browders Persephone ritual! Thank you!

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