Jan 12Liked by Alyssa Polizzi

As an INFJ I resonate with everything you say in this post. I have the directional sense of a gadfly. What struck me about your post is the possibility that intuition is not always to be fully trusted. This links up with how active imagination with dream figures might not be as straightforward as it seems. A figure who presents themselves, say, as 'the saviour' can also be a trickster. I find this rather disconcerting. Unlike Christianity, where one rather facilely assumes a fully beneficent deity, depth psychology seems to plunge me into a more realistic, shadow-inclusive domain, where all might not be how it seems, but this means its a tricky terrain to negotiate and trust. I'm still bothered that the unconscious might not always be in one's corner, as it were. But then, it has to be objective, in order to be compensatory, so I guess it could never be entirely in one's corner. I'm probably rambling!

I liked the tips on how to ground our propensity to live in our inner world. Thank you.

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Jan 13Liked by Alyssa Polizzi

I sometimes just intuitively know things and it has made me feel psychic. I try to make sure I'm grounded by researching our current scientific understanding of the world and by reasoning through the different possibilities.

I have wondered if I'm just storing more information in my subconscious that I'm not aware of and it's like the movie Limitless where the main character takes a pill called NZT to access that information. Like how you could be overhearing an audio book or glancing at a page in a book but you aren't consciously paying attention to it. This information could have been stored since childhood.

I am an INFP by the way. I'm definitely more disconnected from the physical world. I love traveling though. I have to pace myself and take breaks when I do because I feel like I'm processing so much information. Every day or 2 is an "off" day for me.

I subscribed to your substack because I have always related to Artemis. Not because she's a hunter, my dad is though and he has deer heads on his walls, but because I'm asexual and a Virgo. I'm a vegetarian and I couldn't see myself hurting some poor deer. I didn't even know what this substack was about 😆. I just downloaded this app the other day.

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I love this. Thank you for writing and sharing. I too, live by my intuitive senses. They always guide me in the right direction. I feel it in my body. I love your tools provided too for living this style of life. I often dance around, shake and move. The release of energy is significant.

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The somatic and embodied practices you speak of are crucial in cultivating a clear channel. It's definitely a process of trial and error, and we don't have to get it right all of the time, but like anything we hone our intuition with practice and dedication. Thank you for a wonderfully insightful article; probably one of the most balanced and nuanced articles I've read on this subject.

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Thank you for this piece, it resonates with me deeply. I am a person of conviction so I especially related to the notion of recognizing when my approach has become too rigid and taking seriously what isn't working in my life. A journey for me (and all of us) that continues and helps me become more spiritually integrated as I move through the seasons of my life.

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I appreciate your comment on problems with spatial awareness, etc., when getting too far into one's intuition. I had a similar experience when I tried remote viewing a few months ago — I suddenly had a hard time writing and editing, and I needed to write and edit coherently for my work, so I quit remote viewing. Details here: https://astrologybooks.substack.com/p/my-remote-viewing-binge

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Embodiment and somatic practices are important for connecting with our intuition. Also, mindfulness and spending time in silence. But that's just the beginning of it. As you said, we think we can sense our intuition, but sometimes we get tricked into thinking that. It's all about being in the body that we can be our True Selves.

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This is very helpful-I hadn’t thought about the idea of the bridge before. I am an INTP, very N. I follow a felt sense more than anything for intuiting.

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My connection to intuition is wavering, as is my connection to my body. I love your emphasis on reconnecting through somatic exercises and rekindling that intuitive flame by means of presence. Internal messages are difficult to hear in this world of perpetual distraction, but grounding exercises and mindfulness really do help me return to the moment and to myself

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